Tempus Unlimited has collaborated with Easterseals to distribute iPads aimed at enhancing independence for individuals within our Adult Foster Care and Supported Living Programs. Easterseals, like Tempus Unlimited, is dedicated to providing programs and services to people with disabilities. Their mission is to ensure that children and adults living with disabilities have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play. Our shared commitment to empower individuals has allowed this partnership to be a significant success. After receiving funding from MassAbility, Easterseals was seeking agencies to partner with, and with the help of Louise Colbourne, Director of Assistive Technology, Tempus Unlimited has effectively referred 39 individuals for telehealth devices. Members in the Adult Foster Care Program as well as Consumers in the Supported Living Program are able to use these devices to set up appointments, research, and access needed information in their health portal. This factor offers an immense amount of support to someone who may have trouble traveling, or needs to get in contact with a doctor or caregiver in a timely manner. A family member in our Adult Foster Care Program shared, “Our iPad allows Donte to access his telehealth appointments and keeps all of his information organized in one place. He is able to communicate with people and stay entertained by listening to his favorite music. It makes life easier.”
Through discussion with Louise, she shed light on the success of the iPads within Easterseals, with one individual named Betty reporting, “I am bedbound most of the time, which makes it very difficult to get to appointments, I have to rely on other people to get to my home, get me out of bed and get me rides to appointments, it takes up a whole day. Now I can easily meet with my doctors on this iPad on my own terms without having to check with anyone else. This has given me great freedom.”
This technology has proven to be a powerful and transformative resource for those who rely on it. Tempus Unlimited is exceedingly grateful for our partnership with Easterseals, and continues to provide community based programs enhancing independence in the lives of others.