The Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) is a forum where Consumers, providers, caregivers, family members and PCAs/workers come together to share how they are experiencing the services provided by Tempus Unlimited, Inc.  

Tempus’ Mission is to support those with disabilities to live as independently as possible in the least restrictive environment. One way to ensure that we are providing services that are relevant and accessible is by providing a forum for a self- selected group of advocates that are representative of the community we serve. The Consumer Advisory Board Lead’s role is to listen to your thoughts, concerns, and recommendations and to share that information with the Senior Leadership of Tempus Unlimited.

The CAB members will work collaboratively on a range of strategies, policies and programmatic issues affecting the lives of those in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, either enrolled in, or supporting someone enrolled in, TEMPUS Fiscal Intermediary services.


Your Voice Counts


The Consumer Advisory Board gives you the chance to tell us about your experience and needs, and raise questions or concerns about topics that may affect how well you experience our services. It is also a nice way to meet other Consumer and PCAs/workers in the Community.

 The Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) is accepting applications for membership. In accordance with its guidelines “memberships will be derived from representatives from the following groups: Consumers, providers, caregivers, family members and PCAs/workers. In addition, the CAB seeks to have as diverse a membership as possible so that perspectives of all Consumers, providers, caregivers, family members and PCAs/workers are represented.

Meetings of the CAB will be determined by what works best for each regional group. We can be flexible to ensure that we can accommodate a schedule that works for most. CAB members are expected to attend all scheduled CAB meetings, and to participate on committees or working groups.

Applications are selected on the basis of their own skills, experience and interests. Also, the application process strives to achieve a balanced representation of demographic and geographic profile. Individuals who fit the membership guidelines and are interested in serving on the CAB are encouraged to apply.

To apply, you must complete the application form found at:

Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) Application

Consumer Advisory Board Announcement 12-27-2021