
“Gretchen started working at Cream on May 22, and will be working on Wednesdays for 3 hours until the school year is over. A job coach from her Community Based Vocations Program (CBV) at North River Collaborative goes to Cream with Gretchen. After school ends, we will work with the owners at Cream to determine what her weekly schedule will look like. We anticipate that she will work one or two shifts a week and most likely will not need a job coach. Cream has agreed to employ Gretchen and she receives her first paycheck this weekend.

A year ago, I put in a request at MRC for vocation services to help Gretchen. I cannot believe how far we have come in a year. With the Pre-ets classroom program and internship at South Shore Pottery coupled with the vocation program she attends at North River Collaborative and their internship for her at Old Navy, Gretchen has learned many important skills and has been able to apply them quickly in her three work opportunities. We have an amazing team that supports Gretchen and our family. We are thankful for MRC and Tempus and all that they have done for Gretchen and us.”

-Inga W.