college picture quote

“I wanted share how much my son being awarded the scholarship meant. It was really so unexpected and when my son opened it he faltered, “….mom? ……………Mom?……” and this rare smile of a disbelieving, delighted pride spread across his face. I burst into tears, and he actually let me hug him.

My son gets so little positive feedback from not managing the things that come so easily to other kids, and he did not merit any of the scholarships available through the high school’s application system. It is so wonderful that Tempus chooses to support kids like my son with not only the dedication of people like his employment counselor, but with tangible financial support that encourages them to keep trying, to keep working hard and aiming toward higher goals. And from a parent’s perspective, we sink so much of our resources into our special needs kids that this scholarship is truly a gift of help.”

-Parent of a 2020 College Scholarship Recipient