Department of Developmental Services

Through the Vocational program, we teach our consumers how to independently search for a job and fill out a job application. We establish a partnership with our consumers and emphasize that we will not do the work for them.

Instead staff will teach consumers how to perform these skills themselves so they are successful and more self-sufficient in their future endeavors.

Person Centered Career Planning

When the consumer engages in a process to determine services and support needed to achieve a positive employment outcome gather information based on the consumer’s needs, preferences, and disabilities.  During the initial intake meeting, we take time to discuss the consumer’s individual needs and preferences in relation to their skills and the best ways to support those strengths.

Activities Include:

  • Initial intake meeting
  • Prescreen Assessment
  • Comprehensive written report for job goals and support needs
  • Identify skills and interests
  • Community Internships
  • Career testing
  • Skills Assessment

Job Placement

Job Development provides timely assistance for consumers to locate, obtain and maintain competitive integrated employment.  In this component, the job seeker has an identified goal and works towards achieving that job goal. Tempus has an established network of community employer resources by networking with employers to establish vocational opportunities and job leads for consumers.

  • Career Planning Development
  • Networking
  • Business Partnerships
  • Job matching and placement
  • Travel Training (as needed)

Initial Employment Support

The Job Coach is focused on developing the individual’s capacity to perform the responsibilities of the job to support both short and long term success. A primary strategy for this is the identification and cultivation of natural support within the workplace.

  • On the Job Training
  • Off-site job support
  • Job Evaluation (Assessment)

Ongoing Job Coaching Support

Tempus provides ongoing support to consumers who have been employed and this service has begun to support the employee.  Ongoing support is provided on an hourly basis and usage is based on the needs of the individual job seeker on an as needed basis.

  • Assist consumer meeting with supervisor/employer
  • Training for supervisor or consumer in the use of adaptive technology
  • On-site job support
  • As needed support
  • Job Evaluation (Assessment)


Department of Developmental Services:


800-924-7570 #7

