EVV Exemptions

Key Facts

  • Most Consumers and PCAs will be required to use EVV. However, there are two exemptions: the Live-In Exemption and the Safety Exemption
  • If you qualify for an exemption, that means you do NOT need to use EVV.
  • If you think you qualify for an exemption, you must submit a request to Tempus FI.
  • Do not submit an exemption request until it is your turn to start using EVV.

The Live-In Exemption

Consumers and PCAs who live together “permanently” or for an “extended period of time” do not need to use EVV with each other.

  • Definition of “permanently:” The PCA lives, works, and sleeps at the same home as the Consumer-employer seven days per week, and therefore, has no home of his or her own other than the one in which the Consumer-employer lives.
  • Definition of “Extended period of time:” The PCA lives, works, and sleeps at the same home as the Consumer-employer for five days a week (120 hours or more). If the PCA spends less than 120 hours per week working and sleeping at the same home as the Consumer but spends five consecutive days or nights per week residing together with the Consumer, this is also considered an “extended period of time.”

Live-in Exemption forms can only be submitted after you receive you EVV Start packet. Early forms will be rejected. 

If you think you are eligible for the Live-In Exemption, use the form provided in your EVV Start packet or you can request one from Tempus FI. Completed Live-In Exemption forms need to be sent back to Tempus FI. Eligible Consumers and PCAs must submit a new Live-In Exemption form every year.

Live in exemption approval expires when a PCA Consumer relationship is terminated. If the PCA starts working again for the Consumer, a new exemption request will need to be submitted for review/approval.

Please read through the entire form before signing it. Incomplete or incorrect forms will not be processed.

The Safety Exemption

The Safety Exemption is for Consumer and PCAs who cannot use the EVV system because they have a serious safety issue, such as being the victim of domestic violence, stalking, or harassment.

If you think you qualify for the Safety exemption, contact the Tempus FI Safety Liaison at EVVSafety@tempusunlimited.org or call Tempus at 1-877-479-7577 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST and request to speak with the Safety Liaison.