PART OF Community Programs
Support Living Services: MRC Home and Community Based Services Waivers (ABI/MFP) Program, SHIP: Statewide Head Injury Program, MRC Adult Supported Living Program and MRC Turning 22 Program and Supported Living Expansion Pilot Program, Multiple Sclerosis Society Program, and Department of Developmental Services Program
Supported Living Program
The Tempus Unlimited, Inc. Supported Living Program helps adults with physical and developmental disabilities live independently in their own homes and apartments, throughout Southeastern Massachusetts, Boston and the North Shore.
Services provided include:
- Transitional assistance to community living
- Application assistance for affordable and accessible housing
- Advocacy
- Coordination of services and other affairs
- Assistance with securing necessary technology
- Coordination for transportation services
- Social Activities
- Surrogacy and assistance with hiring and management of PCA’s
- Assistance with finances, household budgeting
- Arrangements for medical appointments, therapies, and other personal health
- Peer mentoring
- Access to community resources for healthcare, recreational and vocational services

Supported Living Program is committed to the philosophy of consumer empowerment and control. We support each consumer’s right to make his or her own decisions and support individuals in taking greater control over their own lives.
Case Coordinators:
Following approval from a state agency, a Case Coordinator will meet regularly with each individual to help coordinate services and other affairs. The type of help provided by Case Coordinators is based on the consumer’s individual needs and wishes. A plan of care is developed including assessments as appropriate.