Tempus Portal Demonstrations every other Wednesday starting May 4, 2022 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (May 4; May 18; June 1; June 15; & June 29)

Tempus Portal Demonstrations every other Thursday starting May 12, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (May 12; May 26; June 9; & June 23)

MA Transition to a Single FI

Tempus Unlimited Address:
600 Technology Center Dr
Stoughton, MA 02072
Fiscal Intermediary Phone:
(877) 479-7577

Fiscal Intermediary Fax:
(800) 359-2884


Get Help




IMPORTANT: MassHealth PCAs and consumers with valid contact information are now receiving a text message and email confirming that Tempus FI has received their timesheet within two business days after receipt. PCAs and consumers will receive another text and email once Tempus has processed their timesheet, the morning after it is processed.   PCAs and consumers should update their phone number and email address to ensure they receive these messages by visiting: https://tempusunlimited.org/pca-form-contact/.

The Tempus call center is experiencing very long call wait times. Please do not call Tempus to confirm that your timesheet was received. You will receive a confirmation text/email within two business days of submitting. If there is an issue with your timesheet, Tempus will contact the Consumer directly.  At this time, please do not call Tempus about FI transition paperwork.

Timesheets can be sent to Tempus Unlimited by fax: (800) 359-2884, mail: 600 Technology Center Dr., Stoughton, MA 02072, email: MAFMS@tempusunlimited.org; or e-timesheet: timesheets.tempusunlimited.org.

Consumers are strongly encouraged to use e-timesheet.  E-timesheet is faster and easier than fax, and has less potential for errors.  E-timesheet users also get immediate confirmation that their timesheets were received.  To learn more about signing up for e-timesheet, please visit tempusunlimited.org/fi-transition-e-timesheet-migration.

Tempus Unlimited is now the ONLY Fiscal Intermediary (FI) for the MassHealth PCA program.  All timesheets must be submitted to Tempus FI. Please only submit timesheets for hours already worked. Visit tempusunlimited.org/ma-transition for more information.

  • If you have questions about timesheets, e-timesheets or payroll, click HERE to review our FAQs.

If you are a Consumer or PCA

• If you currently use Tempus Unlimited as your FI, you do not need to take any action

• If you currently use Northeast Arc or Stavros as your FI, you must complete forms and return them to Tempus Unlimited FI immediately

• You should have received a letter or email with instructions

• If you did not receive a letter or email, please contact Tempus Customer Service at 877-479-7577 or MAFMS@tempusunlimited.org.  Tempus can mail you pre-filled forms.

• You can also download your forms online and email, fax, or mail them back to Tempus:

• Consumer Forms: Consumer Forms – English & Consumer Forms – Spanish

• PCA Forms: PCA Forms – English & PCA Forms – Spanish

Have questions?  Contact Tempus Customer Service at 877-479-7577 or MAFMS@tempusunlimited.org

Tempus Portal Demonstrations

 Tempus Portal Demonstrations every other Wednesday starting May 4, 2022 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (May 4; May 18; June 1; June 15; & June 29)

Ways to join:

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2632 421 2493
Meeting password: nGC3MWrTz75 (64236978 from video systems)

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388,,26324212493## United States Toll

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Global call-in numbers

Join from a video system or application
Dial 26324212493@tempusunlimited.webex.com

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Tempus Portal Demonstrations every other Thursday starting May 12, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (May 12; May 26; June 9; & June 23)

Ways to join:

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2634 630 9081
Meeting password: paPmFmM9t65 (72763669 from video systems)

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-408-418-9388,,26346309081## United States Toll

Join by phone
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Global call-in numbers

Join from a video system or application
Dial 26346309081@tempusunlimited.webex.com

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

If you have any questions about the FI transition or need help with your forms, please contact us using the information below:

Tempus Customer Service

Contact us [from 7:30am until 4:30pm, Monday through Friday] at:

  • Phone: 877-479-7577
  • Email: MAFMS@tempusunlimited.org
  • Fax: (800) 359-2884
  • Mail: 600 Technology Center Dr., Stoughton, MA 02072

Please note that completed forms can be emailed, faxed, or mailed back to Tempus using the above contact information

You can also read through our FAQs Tab.

General FAQs

Why is this change happening?
  • Moving to one FI rather than three FIs will simplify processes for consumers and PCAs and
    allow EOHHS to more easily oversee the performance and quality of fiscal intermediary
    services. Other benefits include:
  • A single payroll system;
  • A simpler process if Consumers want to transfer to a different Personal Care
    Management (PCM) agency because all PCMs will use the same FI;
  • A simpler process for PCAs who might have to use multiple FIs today but will only need
    to use one FI in the future;
  • A more consistent experience with FI processes and customer service; and
  • Increased standards and accountability for high-quality FI customer service.
When does this change go into effect?
  • Tempus Unlimited will become the single FI for the PCA program in Massachusetts effective January 1, 2022.
Does this impact any other programs?
  • Yes, Tempus Unlimited will also become the single FI in Massachusetts for the SCO, One Care, CDC, VIP and PACE Programs.
I am a Consumer/Surrogate/PCA/DCW. Is there anything I have to do?
  • Yes. A Transition packet was provided to you. If you have not done so already, please review, sign and return it to Tempus. If you do not have your packet, please call or email Tempus to request a new one.
Will the change to a single FI affect my PCA or MFP Self-Directed Waiver services?
  • No, this change will not affect your services through the PCA or MFP Self-Directed Waiver programs. Similarly, your Personal Care Management agency will not change as a result of the change to a single FI.
Will my payroll schedule change?
  • No, you will remain on the same payroll processing schedule that you have been utilizing in 2021.
Will my authorized hours change due to this transition?
  • No, your authorized hours will not change as a result of this transition.
What if I need to hire a new PCA between now and January 1, 2022?
  • You will follow the same processes you have been with your current FI. There will be no interruption to the PCA hiring process from this transition.

Forms FAQs

Where do I return the forms?
  • Forms can be either faxed or mailed using the fax number and address provided on the cover letter of the packet. You may also email them to MAFMS@tempusunlimited.org.
Can I return the completed forms by email?
If I changed my email address, how can I have the email or packet resent?
  • Please call Tempus or email your request, including updated email address, Current FI, Consumer #, Consumer Name, and PCA Unique ID, PCA Name (if you are a PCA) to MAFMS@tempusunlimited.org.

I need help completing the forms.
  • Please call Tempus for assistance.
What if the Consumer signs with an X, mark or stamp?
  • If the consumer signs with an X, mark or stamp, the signature need to be witnessed by someone other than the PCA.
I received an electronic packet. Can I get the mailed version instead?
  • Yes. Please call Tempus or email your request, including Current FI, Consumer #, Consumer Name, and PCA Unique ID, PCA Name (if you are a PCA) to MAFMS@tempusunlimited.org.
I deleted the password reset email? Can it be resent?
  • Yes, you can go to our website, https://tempusunlimited.org, then go to Portals and choose Paperworkr. Click the “Forgot My Password” link to reset. Please use the same email address we sent the original emails to.
I deleted the email that said my packet was ready.
  • You can still access your packet. Go to our website, https://tempusunlimited.org, then go to Portals and choose Paperworkr. Log in and click on Esignable Packets.
My Esignable packet was sent in English. Can I get in Spanish instead?
  • Yes. Please call Tempus or email your request, including Current FI, Consumer #, Consumer Name, and PCA Unique ID, PCA Name (if you are a PCA) to MAFMS@tempusunlimited.org.

Payroll FAQs

How can I submit my timesheet?
Will my Consumer number change?
  • Sort of. Two digits will be added to the front of your current Consumer number. The updated number is provided in the Timesheet package mailed to Consumers the week of 12/6/21. Beginning with payroll checks dated in 2022, your existing four character Consumer number will be updated by adding two (2) digits to the front, depending on which FI you are currently with. The chart below provides examples.
    Current FI Current Consumer Number 2022 Consumer Number
    Tempus (11) 1234 111234
    Northeast Arc (22) 1234 221234
    Stavros (33) 1234 331234

    If you are currently with Tempus, you will add 11 in front of your Consumer number. If you are currently with Northeast Arc, you will add 22. If you are currently with Stavros, you will add 33. Please use the updated Consumer number when calling, emailing or submitting timesheets to Tempus for 2022 payroll.

Will Tempus provide new timesheets?
  • Yes. Both Regular and PTO timesheets have been provided in the Timesheet package mailed the week of 12/6/21.
Can I use timesheets from Northeast Arc and Stavros?
  • Yes. Tempus will process timesheets submitted on the old format and will continue to do so in the short term. The ultimate goal is to have everyone use the Tempus timesheet.
I am using E-Timesheets with my current FI. Can I do that with Tempus?
  • Yes. Existing users of E-Timesheet systems will be automatically enrolled in the Tempus system. You will receive a Confirmation Email from TempusETimesheets@annkissam.com on Saturday, December 18th which will have instructions to finalize setup of your account.
  • For security purposes these emails are valid for 24 hours, but additional Confirmation Emails can be sent individually should users miss this window. Please either call or email Tempus support for assistance. Please include either your Consumer number or Unique ID in an email.
  • More information can be found on our e-timesheets page, https://tempusunlimited.org/fi-transition-e-timesheet-migration/.
Will my payroll schedule change?
What is the last day that I can submit timesheets to my current FI?
  • For transitioning Consumers, final timesheets to be paid in 2021 are due to your current FI by 12/28/2021.
Are timesheets available online?

Payroll FAQs

How can I submit my timesheet?
Will my Consumer number change?
  • Sort of. Two digits will be added to the front of your current Consumer number. The updated number is provided in the Timesheet package mailed to Consumers the week of 12/6/21. Beginning with payroll checks dated in 2022, your existing four character Consumer number will be updated by adding two (2) digits to the front, depending on which FI you are currently with. The chart below provides examples.
    Current FI Current Consumer Number 2022 Consumer Number
    Tempus (11) 1234 111234
    Northeast Arc (22) 1234 221234
    Stavros (33) 1234 331234

    If you are currently with Tempus, you will add 11 in front of your Consumer number. If you are currently with Northeast Arc, you will add 22. If you are currently with Stavros, you will add 33. Please use the updated Consumer number when calling, emailing or submitting timesheets to Tempus for 2022 payroll.

Will Tempus provide new timesheets?
  • Yes. Both Regular and PTO timesheets have been provided in the Timesheet package mailed the week of 12/6/21.
Can I use timesheets from Northeast Arc and Stavros?
  • Yes. Tempus will process timesheets submitted on the old format and will continue to do so in the short term. The ultimate goal is to have everyone use the Tempus timesheet.
I am using E-Timesheets with my current FI. Can I do that with Tempus?
  • Yes. Existing users of E-Timesheet systems will be automatically enrolled in the Tempus system. You will receive a Confirmation Email from TempusETimesheets@annkissam.com on Saturday, December 18th which will have instructions to finalize setup of your account.
  • For security purposes these emails are valid for 24 hours, but additional Confirmation Emails can be sent individually should users miss this window. Please either call or email Tempus support for assistance. Please include either your Consumer number or Unique ID in an email.
  • More information can be found on our e-timesheets page, https://tempusunlimited.org/fi-transition-e-timesheet-migration/.
Will my payroll schedule change?
What is the last day that I can submit timesheets to my current FI?
  • For transitioning Consumers, final timesheets to be paid in 2021 are due to your current FI by 12/28/2021.
Are timesheets available online?