FAQs: EVV Training

Will I Receive EVV Training?

Yes! Every Consumer, Surrogate, and PCA will receive training before it is their turn to use EVV. EVV training will be offered in-person and virtually. Learn more by clicking here.

Is EVV Training Required?

EVV training is mandatory for PCAs. Consumers should also attend training once they receive their EVV Onboarding Packet.

Will PCAs Be Paid for EVV Training?

Yes, PCAs will be paid for completing EVV training and the training attestation.

Please note that PCAs will only be paid for completing required training ONCE. PCAs can choose to attend more than one training session or repeat self-paced training; however, they will only be paid for attending their first EVV training session.

When Do I Register for EVV Training?

You can register for EVV training once it’s your turn to start using EVV.

You will know when it’s your turn to start using EVV when you receive an EVV Start Packet from Tempus FI. If you have not received your Start Packet, you cannot register for EVV training yet.

Once you have received your Start Packet, you should register for EVV training right away. Be sure to attend training BEFORE your EVV start date, to ensure you comply with program rules.

How Do I Register for EVV Training?

If you have received your Start Packet from Tempus FI, you can click here to register for EVV training.

If you have not received your Start Packet, you cannot register for EVV training yet.

Will EVV Training Be Available in Multiple Languages?

Yes. Training sessions will be scheduled in both English and Spanish. If you need EVV training in a language other than English or Spanish, please contact Tempus FI  to get assistance.

What Do I Need to Do Before Attending EVV Training?

Before attending EVV training, please follow the steps outlined in your Start Packet. It is suggested that you do the following things before your EVV training:

  • Make sure you are not exempt from EVV. If you are exempt from EVV, you should not attend EVV training.
  • Make sure you have an email address. For help with creating an email address, click here.
  • Decide which device you will use. If you need to redeem a device voucher, click here.

If you are a PCA, you should bring your smart device with you to training (or have your device available if you are attending a virtual training). Do not download the EVV app before your training.

If you want to take notes during the training, you should also bring a pen and paper or a device to take notes.

Can I Attend EVV Training with My Consumer-Employer or PCA?

Yes! Consumers and PCAs are encouraged to attend EVV training together. However, if you are registering for an instructor-led in-person or virtual training, each attendee must complete the registration using the unique email provided to Tempus. PCA’s are required to fill in the Training Attestation form during registration.

Can I Reschedule My EVV Training?

Yes. If you registered, you should have received a confirmation email with the date/time and other training details. Click on the reschedule/cancel link in the confirmation email to reschedule your training. If you cannot find the confirmation email, check your spam or junk folder. If you need help to reschedule, please contact Tempus FI .

Can I Attend More Than One EVV Training?

Yes. However, attending more than one EVV training is not required and PCAs will only be paid for completing ONE EVV training. PCAs will not be paid for more than one training, even if they choose to attend more than one training.

How Do PCAs Get Paid for Completing EVV Training?

If you are a PCA, you will be paid automatically after completing your mandatory EVV training. To be paid automatically for training, you must fill out the Training Attestation form when registering for instructor-led in-person or virtual training. To sign -up for these types of EVV training, click here.

If you choose to complete your mandatory EVV training via Tempus’ self-paced modules, you must complete the attestation module after completing your training., Click here to access self-paced training.

Please note:

  1. You must complete the Training Attestation form when registering for training or by completing the self-paced Attestation module.
  2. You will be paid within 10 days of completing your training and the Training Attestation.
  3. If you attended EVV training but have not been paid, please contact Tempus FI .

What if I Still Have Questions After Attending EVV Training?

If you still have questions, don’t worry! We are here to help. Please visit our Get Help page to ask for assistance.

Can I Complete EVV Training Online on My Own Time?

Yes. To take EVV Self-Paced training, click here.