About EVV

Key Facts

  • Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is a new kind of timesheet system for the MassHealth Personal Care Attendant (PCA) program.
  • Most Consumers and PCAs will start using EVV between early 2024 and the end of 2025.
  • If you are required to use EVV, it will replace your current timesheet.
  • Tempus Fiscal Intermediary (FI) will send you a Start Packet two months before it is your turn to use EVV. If you have not received a Start Packet from Tempus FI, you do not need to start using EVV yet.

What is EVV?

Click here to watch MassHealth’s EVV videos

EVV is a new timesheet system that the MassHealth PCA program will start using in 2024.  Most Consumers and PCAs will be required to use EVV at some point between early 2024 and the end of 2025.

If you are required to use EVV, it will replace your current timesheet. EVV is different than Tempus’ current eTimesheet system. The EVV System will be the only way to submit timesheets once you are selected to start EVV.

Not everyone will start using EVV at the same time. Tempus will send you a letter approximately five weeks before it is your turn to start using EVV.  If you have not received a letter from Tempus, you do not need to start using EVV yet.  Click here to see when you might have to start using EVV.

The EVV App and Portal

The EVV system has two parts: an EVV App that PCAs use to clock-in and out of their visits, and an  EVV Portal that Consumers and Surrogates will use to view and approve their PCAs’ time.  Learn more below:

  1. The EVV App: PCAs will use the EVV App (called HHAeXchange+) to clock-in and clock-out of their shifts with a consumer using a smart phone.
  2. The EVV Portal: The Portal is a website that Consumers and Surrogates will use to view and approve their PCAs’ time. PCAs will also use the Portal to view their timesheets, enter Paid Time Off or enter shifts manually (if necessary). The EVV Portal website is accessible through any internet browser.

Unlike your current timesheet, EVV will verify certain information about the start and end of each PCA’s visit. This verification is required to meet federal rules. The EVV system will verify the following information for each visit:

  1. The name of the consumer
  2. The name of the PCA
  3. The date of the visit
  4. The start and end time of the visit
  5. The location of the visit

Please note: The visit location will only be verified at the exact moment a PCA clocks in or out of a visit. The EVV system will show location as “home” if the PCA is at the consumer’s home, or “community” if the PCA is at any other location.

Why EVV is Being Required

The MassHealth PCA program is required to use EVV because of federal law. Certain MassHealth services, such as personal care and home health, are included in the federal requirement. Other personal care programs across the United States have already started using EVV because of the federal rules

Do I Need to Use EVV?

Most consumers and PCAs will be required to use EVV. If you are required to use EVV, it will replace the timesheet you currently use.  This means you will not be able to submit paper timesheets or eTimesheets after you are selected to use EVV.

However, two groups of people are “exempt” from using EVV, which means they will not need to use EVV.  These are the two groups of people who will not use EVV:

The Live-In Exemption: Consumers and PCAs who live in the same home permanently or for “extended periods of time” are not required to use EVV together.

 If you are a Consumer who has multiple PCAs, you will still need to use EVV for any PCAs who don’t live with you.  If you are a PCA who works with more than one Consumer-employer, you will need to use EVV for any Consumer you do not live with.

The Safety Exemption: Consumers, Surrogates, and PCAs are not required to use EVV if using a GPS-enabled device would cause a major safety issue. Examples of qualified safety issues include being the victim of domestic violence, stalking, or harassment.

When Will I Start Using EVV?

Your EVV start date will depend on which of the two groups you fall into:

1 Consumers who started using the PCA program BEFORE January 1, 2024 (and their PCAs):

A small group of Consumers and PCAs participated in an EVV pilot in Fall 2023.

All other Consumers and PCAs will begin using EVV between early 2024 and the end of 2025. Each group will be based on the Consumer’s last name.

Please note that you will receive a letter from Tempus FI approximately five weeks before it is your turn to start using EVV.  This letter will provide you with your specific EVV start date. The table below shows your estimated start date for EVV, and is subject to change.

Consumer’s Last Name Starts With: Consumer and their PCA(s)

 will start using EVV:

A Winter 2024
B-Carr Spring 2024
Carra-Ell Summer 2024
Elm-Hs Fall 2024
Ht-Martinez Holiday Season 2024
Martini-Pek Late Winter 2025
Pel-Sanb Spring 2025
Sanc-Vi Summer 2025
Vl-Z Early Fall 2025

If you are a PCA who works for more than one Consumer, you might not start using EVV for all of your Consumers at the same time.  For instance, you may start using EVV for one Consumer in early 2024, but not start using EVV for a different Consumer until mid-2025.

2 Consumers who started using the PCA program AFTER January 1, 2024 (and their PCAs):

Any consumer who joins the PCA program after January 1, 2024 will begin to use EVV immediately. Their PCA(s) will start using EVV immediately as well.

How EVV Training Will Work

Tempus FI will provide EVV training to all Consumers, Surrogates, and PCAs before it is their turn to use EVV. Training will be offered online and in-person.

You will receive more information about training when you receive your EVV Start Packet from Tempus FI.  If you have not received your Start Packet yet, you cannot sign up for or attend EVV training.

EVV training is mandatory for PCAs. PCAs will be paid for attending an EVV training session or completing the self-paced, online course. PCAs will only be paid for attending one training.

We strongly recommend that Consumers and PCAs try to take their EVV training together, after receiving their Start Packet. If you have already received your Start Packet, you can register for training by clicking here.

To read frequently asked EVV Training questions, please click here.

EVV Devices

To use the EVV system, Consumers and PCAs will need to have access to either a web browser or a smart device, depending on their role.

Most Consumers and PCAs will use their own devices for the EVV system.  However, Consumers and PCAs who are unable or unwilling to use their own devices may request a basic smart device from MassHealth.

Continue reading for more information below.

Consumers and Surrogates
  • Consumers and Surrogates will need access to any device with a web browser, such as a laptop computer, desktop computer, smartphone or tablet.
  • Consumers will need to visit the EVV Portal. The EVV Portal is what Consumers will use to view and approve their PCAs’ time.
  • The EVV Portal is accessed through the internet. If you are a Consumer and you do not have access to the internet, please contact your Personal Care Management (PCM) agency or get help here.
  • PCAs will need access to a smart device, such as a smartphone or tablet.
  • PCAs will need to download the EVV App (called “HHAeXchange+” in the App Store). The EVV App is what PCAs will use to clock-in and clock-out of each visit.
  • PCAs do not need a data plan to use the EVV App. PCAs do not need to be connected to the internet at the time they clock-in or out of a shift. However, PCAs do need to connect to the internet, at some point before the pay period is over, to upload their shifts to the EVV system.
  • If a PCA clocks-in and out of a shift while they have internet access, the shift will automatically be uploaded.
  • If a PCA clocks-in and out of a shift while they do NOT have internet access, they will need to connect to the internet at a later time, so their shift can be uploaded automatically. This can be done at any location with free wi-fi, such as a coffee shop, grocery store, or library.
  • PCAs can also visit the EVV Portal website to view their timesheet, request paid time off, or enter shifts manually.
Device Requirements
Device Operating System Requirement
Computer Windows, Mac OS Any modern browser will work (Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox)
Smartphone / Tablet iOS(Apple) Version 10.0 or higher.
Smartphone / Tablet Android Operating System (Google) Version 6.0 (aka Marshmallow) or higher

What You Need to Do Before Using EVV

  1. Update your contact information with Tempus FI: Please make sure your contact information is up to date with Tempus FI. This includes your address, phone number, and email. If Tempus does not have your contact information, you could miss important communications regarding EVV.

Please note that email will play an important role in using EVV. Your email address will be your username for accessing the EVV system. Please provide Tempus Unlimited with your email address as soon as possible to ensure a smooth onboarding.

Consumers and PCAs can update their email with Tempus by going to: https://evvweb.tempusunlimited.org/. To update your phone number or address, please call Tempus FI at 877-479-7577.

  1. Be on the lookout for a letter from Tempus FI: Approximately 2 months before it’s your turn to use EVV, you will receive an Start Packet from Tempus FI. This letter will tell you your exact EVV start date.  The Start Packet from Tempus will also include important information about registering for training, requesting an EVV exemption (if needed), and how to start using EVV.

What You Need to Do Once it’s Your Turn to Use EVV

  1. Make sure you received a Start Packet from Tempus FI: As noted above, you will receive an Start Packet from Tempus FI about 2 months before it’s your turn to start using EVV. If you have not received this letter, you do not need to start using EVV yet.

If you lost your letter or think you should have received a letter, but one never arrived, please call Tempus FI at 877-479-7577. Please refer to the EVV Start Date Schedule to see when your letter is expected to arrive.

  1. Follow the instructions on your Start Packet: Your Start Packet includes important information about:
    • Updating your contact information with Tempus FI
    • Deciding if you need to complete an exemption form
    • Registering for EVV training
    • Deciding which device you will use
    • Talking to your PCA(s) or Consumer-employer about EVV
    • Where to go for help

It is very important that you follow all the steps on your Start Packet.

How to Get Help

If you are feeling confused, have questions, or need assistance with EVV, we are here to help!  Click here to get help with EVV.

Watch MassHealth’s EVV Videos

MassHealth has created a set of helpful EVV videos, which you can see below:

What is EVV- English

¿Que es EVV?-Español

Who will need to use EVV? -English

¿Quién necesitará utilizar EVV? -Español

EVV and my privacy – English

EVV y mi privacidad – Español

EVV devices – English

Dispositivos EVV – Español

Benefits of EVV and next steps – English

Beneficios de la EVV y próximos pasos – Español