Recent EVV Changes

Periodically, changes are made to the EVV Portal or App. Here is how Tempus will keep you updated:

  • Prior to each system change, Tempus will send an Everbridge message alerting EVV users to upcoming changes with a link to this “Recent EVV Changes” page.
  • The page provides a searchable history of all changes and a link to a downloadable training document to learn more.
  • Quarterly, changes are made to the EVV training materials and all new features will be part of the training offered by Tempus. 


    • To sort the list, use the sort arrows next to the column heading. 
    • The search box will allow you to enter keywords or a date to also sort and filter out other information. 
    • Only 10 changes are listed per page. Use the Previous and Next links, found in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, to scroll through the list of changes. 
    • To learn more about the change and to learn how to use the new feature, use the click to view link to access a downloadable document. 
    • To print the document, choose the printer in the top-right corner of the screen. 
ShiftsPortal4/18/2024ConsumerEasier Approval for Long and Short Shifts Click to View
TimesheetsPortal3/07/2024PCANew Consumer Enrollment Dropdown FeatureClick to View
Portal Log-inPortal5/05/2024AllPassword Reveal IconClick to View